Know who you are dealing
with: Get their first and last names. Verify they are the property owner(s).
This is done through your county's Assessor's website.
When you are sure the
party requesting the lease and payments is the legal owner you want to verify
the property is not in the foreclosure process. Write down the APN. The parcel
number is located at the top of the general information for the property. Return
to Clark County’s home page. Follow: Public Records, Recorded Documents,
Official Records, Land & RPTT Information, Search Records, Advanced, put APN
with no spaces where requested and select detail data.
There are two (2) document
types to look for; DEFAULT means the property owner is delinquent with the
mortgage holder. And NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE means the property is in
The landlord may not
charge more than the value of three (3) months rent as a security deposit per
Use a licensed
professional property manager whenever possible. Property Management Companies
must be licensed by the Nevada Real Estate Division.
Check status of license