Real Estate Division Forms

Alternative Dispute Resolution Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
520 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Claim Form 1/21/2022 4
520B Alternative Dispute Resolution - Additional Respondent Form 03/13/2012 1
521 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Respondent Form 02/19/2020 2
522 Alternative Dispute Resolution - Mediator Application Form

Please be advised: Mediator applications will only be accepted during the time that the Division has an open solicitation.
*Solicitation is CLOSED* 
04/27/2021 5
522A Alternative Dispute Resolution - Referee/Arbitrator Application Form

Please be advised: Referee/Arbitrator applications will only be accepted during the time that the Division has an open solicitation.
*Solicitation is CLOSED* 
04/27/2021 5
523 Residential Common Interest Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Overview 07/01/2022 6
532 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Arbitration Claimant and Respondent Form 06/29/2022 7
631 Mediator/Referee Invoice 04/28/2020 1
668 Subsidy Application for Mediation 05/01/2020 1

Appraiser Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
503A Summary of Appraisal Licensing Requirements  10/13/2021 2
536 Appraisal Change Form - Interns, Appraisers, or Appraisal Management Companies  03/20/2017 2
537 Original Licensing Application for Residential/General Appraiser  04/05/2024 6
537A Appraisal Experience Log 
(Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE)
Important: Refer to the first tab of the spreadsheet for comprehensive directions. It is imperative to read and comprehend the instructions carefully to avoid any errors that may arise while filling out the log. 
10/26/2023 1
538 Appraiser Temporary Practice Permit Application  03/20/2017 4
539 Real Estate Appraiser Intern Registration Application  04/05/2024 5
540 Appraiser Intern Termination Notice  03/20/2017 1
541 Appraiser Inactive Status  03/20/2017 1
552 Appraisal Experience Certification 03/20/2017 3
553 Application for Appraiser Reinstatement 12/11/2018 5
555 Location of Records - Appraisal 03/20/2017 1
586 Application for Renewal of Appraisal License 10/13/2021 2
599 Original Reciprocal/ Endorsement Licensing Application for Residential Appraiser/ General Appraiser 04/05/2024 5
662 Application for an Appraisal Duplicate License or Certificate 03/20/2017 1

Appraisal Management Company Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
571 Appraisal Management Company Registration Form 10/13/2021 7
571A Application for the Individual Registration of an Officer, Principal, General Partner, Director or Trustee of an Appraisal Management Company 04/05/2024 3
571B Application for Original or Renewal of Appraisal Management Company Branch Office 10/13/2021 1
572 Appraisal Management Company Renewal Form 10/13/2021 5

Additional Appraisal Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
599 Original Reciprocal/ Endorsement Licensing Application for Residential Appraiser/ General Appraiser 07/28/2021 5
662 Application for an Appraisal Duplicate License or Certificate 03/20/2017 1

Asset Management Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
665 Asset Management Company Registration Form 10/13/2021 4
665A Registration of Asset Management Company Principal 06/25/2019 4
666 Application for Asset Manager Permit 10/13/2021 2
760 Application for Renewal of Asset Manager Permit 10/13/2021 2
761 Application for Renewal of Asset Management Company 10/13/2021 2
762 Asset Management Company & Asset Manager Service Report 03/20/2017 2
763 Asset Management Change Form 03/20/2017 2

Common-Interest Community Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
562 Annual Association Registration  08/30/2022 4
584 Before You Purchase Property In a Common-Interest Community Did You Know…  07/01/2017 4
584A Before You Purchase Property In a Condominium Hotel Did You Know…  03/22/2019 4
602 Declaration of Certification Common-Interest Community Board Member 
This form is required to be kept as an association record and should only be submitted to the Division upon request.
09/09/2019 1
603 Initial Association Registration 07/12/2023 3
609 Reserve Study Summary Form 08/17/2022 2
620 Common-Interest Communities Master Roster 11/01/2009 2
623 Registration Filing Addendum 08/17/2022 2
646 Association Name Change Notification  08/13/2015 1
651 Limited Purpose Rural Agricultural Exemption  08/25/2009 2
653 Limited Purpose Association Created as a Rural Agricultural Residential Common-Interest Community Annual Registration  01/06/2010 1
667  Annual Hotel Unit Owner Registration 03/12/2012 1
780  Request for Record of Complaints Against Community Managers/Reserve Study Specialists    08/09/2021  1

CICCH/HOA Complaint Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
514a Statement of Fact Against Community Managers 05/18/2018 2
514b Complaint Against a Reserve Study Specialist 10/10/2016 3
530  Intervention Affidavit
09/01/2021 2
605 Ombudsman Intervention Reopening Affidavit Form and Instruction Page 04/08/2005 3
910 Resale Package Overcharge 07/01/2021 1

CIC - Statement of Fact Forms 

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
514a  Statement of Fact Against Community Managers   05/18/2018 2
514b Complaint Against a Reserve Study Specialist  10/10/2016 3

Community Manager Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
559 Community Manager Application  04/05/2024 6
616 Community Manager or Supervisory CAM Change Form  03/20/2017 2
616A Provisional Community Manager Change Form  03/20/2017 2
617 Supervising Community Manager Form  03/20/2017 2
621 Community Manager Application for Reinstatement  09/20/2019 4
623 Registration Filing Addendum 01/11/2019 2
630 Application for Renewal - Community Manager  01/24/2020 2
634 Provisional Community Manager Certificate Disassociation Form  02/13/2019 1
634A      Community Manager / Supervising Community Manager Disassociation Form      02/13/2019 1
659 Community Manager Temporary Certificate & Instructions  04/05/2024 4

Compliance Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
514 Statement of Fact Against Real Estate Licensees, Inspectors, Energy Auditors, Asset Managers, Timeshare Agents, Timeshare Representatives, and Property Managers 03/20/2017 2
514c Statement of Fact Against Appraisers and Appraisal Management Companies 04/11/2023 2
514d Statement of Fact Against Inspectors of Structures 05/10/2023 2
546 Trust Account Reconciliation  05/03/2023 3
546A Affidavit in Lieu of Form 546  05/03/2023 1
636 Waiver Form 03/20/2017 1
637  Authorization to Negotiate Directly With Seller  03/20/2017 1
638 Request for Record of Complaints Against Real Estate Licensees, Appraisers, Inspectors, Energy Auditors, Asset Managers, Timeshare Agents, Timeshare Representatives, and Property Managers 08/09/2021 1
652 Nevada Real Estate Division Affidavit 09/25/2009 2
770 Sworn Declaration 09/14/2017 1

Disclosure Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
524 Consent to Act  05/01/2005 1
525 Duties Owed by a Nevada Real Estate Licensee 10/03/2023 1
525A Supplemental List of Licensees Party to the Duties Owed By a Nevada Real Estate Licensee 11/07/2016 1
547 Seller's Real Property Disclosure Form  6/01/2023 5
551 Open Range Disclosure  07/01/2010 1
610 Manufactured Home Disclosure   06/03/2020 1
622 Residential Disclosure Guide 07/27/2017 32
654 Declaration of Homestead 
Submit completed form to your County Recorder.
09/05/2019 1
Restrictive Covenant Modification Form
Submit completed form to your County Recorder.
09/21/2023 1

Education - Appraisal Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
503B  Appraisal Education Providers 04/09/2020 1
535  Appraiser Continuing Education Accreditation Application 11/02/2021 4
597 Independent Appraiser Continuing Education Course Approval 03/20/2017 1
598 Application for Appraiser Pre-licensing Education 11/02/2021 14
626 Appraisal Continuing Education Course Renewal Application 11/02/2021 2
627 Appraisal Pre-Licensing Education Course Renewal Application: In-State Providers 11/02/2021 3
628 Appraisal Pre-Licensing Education Course Renewal Application: Out-of-State Providers 11/02/2021 2
633 Appraiser Instructor Application 03/20/2017 1
740-AE Appraisal Education Classroom Attendance Verification Report
(Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE)
09/05/2014 1
785-AE Appraisal Education Instructions for Preparing and Submitting Rosters for Electronic Upload 02/23/2016 1
785A-AE Appraisal Education Roster Upload Template
(Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE)
09/05/2014 1

NOTE: All forms and checks are to be sent to: 3300 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 350, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102

CICCH/HOA Education Provider Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
579  CIC Continuing Education Application  02/20/2018   2
592A CIC Classroom Content and Instructor Evaluation 02/20/2018   1
592B CIC Classroom Content and Instructor Evaluation Summary  10/29/2020   1
592C CIC Distance Education Content and Instructor Evaluation 02/20/2018   1
592D CIC Distance Education Content and Instructor Evaluation Summary 10/29/2020   1
642 CAM Pre-Certification Education for Classroom Offerings Application 03/20/2017 10
645 CAM Continuing Education Renewal Application  02/20/2018   2
670 CIC Education Instructor Application 02/20/2018   1
671 Community Manager Distance Education Supplemental Course Application 07/16/2020 1
672 Application for Secure Electronic Method of Administering Final Exam for Distance Education Courses 02/20/2018   1
673 Certificate of Test Proctor 02/20/2018   1
740-CAM CAM Education Classroom Attendance Verification Report
(Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE)
02/20/2018   1
785A-CAM CAM Education Roster Upload Template (Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE) 02/20/2018   1
848 Retention of Community Manager Education Records  02/20/2018   1
905 Community Manager Pre-Certification Education Providers 11/17/2020 1

Education - Energy Auditor Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
700 Energy Auditors Approved Pre-Licensing Program Providers & Certification Programs 07/10/2020 2
701A Energy Auditors Pre-Licensing Program Application 03/20/2017 16

Energy Auditors Pre-Licensing Program Provider Renewal Application

03/20/2017 2
726 Instructor Evaluation Report  03/20/2017 1

Education - Inspectors of Structure Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
589A Inspectors of Structures Pre-Certification Education New Course Application  03/20/2017 20
589B Inspectors of Structures Pre-Certification Education Course Renewal Application  03/20/2017 2
590A Inspectors of Structures Continuing Education New Course Application  07/05/2017 21
590B Inspectors of Structures Continuing Education Course Renewal Application  07/05/2017 1
591 Inspectors of Structures/Energy Auditors Instructor Application  03/20/2017 1
725A Approved Inspectors of Structures Continuing Education Providers  07/15/2021 14
725B Approved Inspectors of Structures Pre-Certification Schools  07/17/2020 2
726 Instructor Evaluation Report   03/20/2017 1
740-IOS IOS Classroom Attendance Verification Report
(Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE) 
07/31/2014 1
785-IOS IOS Instructions for Preparing and Submitting Rosters for Electronic Upload  02/04/2016 1
785A-IOS IOS Roster Upload Template
(Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE)
07/31/3014 1

Education - Real Estate Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
502 Approved Real Estate Pre-Licensing Schools 12/31/2020 2
526 Real Estate Continuing Education Application for Classroom Offerings and Distance Education 03/24/2021 7
526a *NEW* Course Timed Outline Template
(Note: This is a Word Document. When prompted, choose SAVE)
11/04/2019 3
534 Request for Rural Exemption From Continuing Education by Live Instruction 04/04/2018 1
560 Real Estate Sales Pre-Licensing Application for Classroom Offerings and Distance Education  04/12/2022 9
560A Real Estate Broker Management Pre-Licensing Application for Classroom Offerings and Distance Education  03/20/2017 8
560B Real Estate Business Broker Permit Pre-Licensing Application for Classroom Offerings and Distance Education  03/20/2017 8
560C Real Estate Property Manager Permit Pre-Licensing Education Application for Classroom Offerings  04/13/2020 8
612A Classroom / Instructor Evaluation Report  07/13/2017 1
612B CE Distance Education Class / Instructor Evaluation Report  07/13/2017 1
612C Classroom Content and Instructor Evaluation Summary 07/13/2017 1
612D Distance Education Content and Instructor Evaluation Summary 07/13/2017 1
613 Real Estate Post Licensing Education Application for Classroom Offerings  12/17/2018 3
635 Real Estate Instructor Application  04/20/2018 2
640 Real Estate Post Licensing Education Renewal Application  03/20/2017 2
641 Real Estate Continuing Education Renewal Application  03/24/2021 2
648 Retention of Real Estate Education Records  03/20/2017 1
740 Real Estate Classroom Attendance Verification Report
(Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE) 
05/02/2014 1
785 Instructions for Preparing and Submitting Real Estate Rosters for Electronic Upload  06/27/2017 1
785A Roster Upload Template for Real Estate
(Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE) 
05/02/2014 1
901 Schedule of Continuing Education Classes Template
(Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE) 
03/06/2020 3

Education - Timeshare Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
527  Timeshare Pre-Licensing Course Application  03/20/2017 10
528  Timeshare Continuing Education Course Application  03/20/2017 10
529  Timeshare Continuing Education Renewal Application  03/20/2017 2
740-TS Timeshare Classroom Attendance Verification Report
(Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE) 
08/11/2014 1
748  Retention of Timeshare Education Records   03/20/2017 1
749  Timeshare Instructor Application   03/20/2017 1
785-TS Timeshare Instructions for Preparing and Submitting Rosters for Electronic Upload  02/04/2016 1
785A-TS Timeshare Roster Upload Template
(Note: This is an Excel spreadsheet. When prompted, choose SAVE) 
08/11/2014 1
786  Timeshare Pre-Licensing Education Providers 01/21/2016 1

Energy Auditor Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
639 IOS / Energy Auditor - Application for Reinstatement 10/13/2021 4
663 Energy Auditor Checklist and Application  04/05/2024 5
664 Energy Auditor Location of Records 11/07/2019 1
703 Energy Auditor Change 03/20/2017 3
705 Application for Renewal of the Energy Auditor License 10/13/2021 2

Inspectors of Structure Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
573 Inspectors of Structures Original Licensing Application  04/05/2024 4
575 Inspectors of Structures Location of Records 03/20/2017 1
576 Inspectors of Structures Status/Address/Name Change  03/20/2017 2
577 Inspectors of Structures Inactive Status  03/20/2017 1
578 Inspectors of Structures Application for Certificate Renewal  10/13/2021 2
594 Inspectors of Structures Inspection Observation Log  01/20/2006 2
594a Inspector of Structures Inspection Log for Certified General 04/05/2019 9
594b Inspector of Structures Inspection Log for Certified Master 04/05/2019 16
639 IOS / Energy Auditor - Application for Reinstatement  10/13/2021 7

Project Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
563 Nevada Statement of Record  03/20/2017 29
564 Property Report 03/20/2017 12
565 Owner-Developer Application 06/05/2017 10
569 Nevada Campground Registration Statement  03/20/2017 23
570 Campground Public Offering Statement  03/20/2017 10
582 Preliminary Permit - Exempt Project 06/01/2005 1
583 Preliminary Permit - Non-Exempt Project 06/30/2003 1
587 Exemption Determination Requirements NRS 119.122 (3) 06/05/2017 4
588 Exemption Determination Requirements NRS 119.120 (4)    06/05/2017  2 
649  Statement of Project Broker  03/20/2017 1
650 Exemption Request Form (NRS 119) 07/13/2009 2

Real Estate Licensing Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
501 Summary of Real Estate Licensing Requirements 04/05/2024 3
504 Real Estate License or Permit Change
(For Broker Salesperson, Salesperson, Property Manager or Business Broker) 
12/03/2020 5
505 Real Estate Salesperson or Broker-Salesperson License, or Business Broker or Property Manager Permit Termination  06/18/2021 2
506 Inactive Notice 03/20/2017 1
507 Real Estate License Change (For Brokers Only)  06/08/2021 3
508 Instructions for Broker License/All Broker Applicants  02/24/2020 2
508A Broker Affidavit for Home Office Compliance      01/08/2021 1
509 Experience Verification for a Nevada Real Estate License  12/11/2020 1
509A Experience Verification for a Property Manager  12/11/2020 1
509B Experience Verification for a Business Broker  12/11/2020 1
510 Application for Branch Office 01/08/2021 1
512 Location of Records & Broker Disassociation Form 01/08/2021 1
533 Dual License Application  10/13/2021 3

Application for Out-of-State Cooperative Certificate 

Instructions and Guidelines for the Applicant of a Nevada Cooperative Broker Certification 




544 Application for Reinstatement  10/13/2021 6
545 Property Management Permit Application 01/08/2021 4
549 Original Licensing Application and Checklist for Salesperson, Broker/Salesperson or Broker  04/05/2024 6
550 Petition to Review Criminal History for Pre-Determination 09/12/2019 2
557 Business Name Request  01/08/2021 1
558 Confidential Financial Statement  04/28/2018 1
580 Application for Renewal of Real Estate License  11/18/2021 4
581 Application for Renewal of Real Estate Branch Office 01/08/2021 1
624 Business Broker Permit Application  04/05/2024 5
656 Consent to Service of Process  01/08/2021 1

Timeshare Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
511 Timeshare License Checklist and Application for Reinstatement 10/13/2021 4
515 Timeshare Sales Agent Termination Notice  03/20/2017 1
516 Timeshare Sales Agent License Change 03/20/2017 2
517 Timeshare Representative Termination Notice  03/20/2017 1
518 Timeshare Representative Change  03/20/2017 1
519 Original Timeshare Sales Agent Application  04/05/2024 6
531 Timeshare Registered Representative Original Application  03/10/2021 4
566 Timeshare Statement of Record  08/30/2017   25  
567 Timeshare Public Offering Statement  08/30/2017   15  
567A Disclosures of Alternative Media Delivery of POS and other Documents  08/30/2017   7  
567B Abbreviated Registration  08/30/2017   8  
568   Timeshare Resale Broker Initial Registration 03/20/2017  11
568A   Timeshare Resale Disclosure Form 03/20/2017  4
595 Timeshare Registered Representative Application for Renewal  02/06/2019 1
606   Manager Registration Form 03/20/2017 2
607  Disclosure Statement Required by NRS 119A.534 03/20/2017 1
643 Timeshare Agent Application for Renewal  10/13/2021 2
750   Notice of Sale Declaration   03/20/2017 1
751 Timeshare Permit Processing Form  08/30/2017   3  
752  Timeshare Company Change Form 10/20/2021 2
753 Application for Conversion to Abbreviated Registration   08/30/2017   4
754 Exchange Company Registration Form 03/20/2017   6

Reserve Study Specialist Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
644 Reserve Study Specialist Application  04/05/2024 5
661 Reserve Study Specialist Renewal 03/20/2017  2

Miscellaneous Forms

Number Form Name Revision Date Pages
619 Fingerprinting Vendors  04/03/2024 3
632 License History Request 03/20/2017 1
900 Public Record Request Pursuant to NRS 239 01/08/2019 2